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Recommended Care for Your Gecko


  • An aquarium or tank of 10-15 gallon capacity with screen top, per gecko (20 gallon long works great for 2 leopard geckos)

  • Heat tape, heat pad for reptiles

  • Hide Boxes, one to three

  • Feed Bowls (with escape proof lids are recommended)

  • Water Bowl, however some people just mist down the side of the tank once a week

  • Thermometer with probe

  • Thermostat or similar device for controlling temperature

  • Paper towels (or other substrate)

  • Mealworms, young Super worms, Dubia Roaches, and/or Crickets

  • Vitamin D mix and Calcium to dust feeders



  • A 10-15 gallon tank or aquarium is suitable to house one leopard gecko from hatchling to adult.  A secure top screen is recommended.

  • Many reptile collectors and breeders today, go with a commercial rack, supplied with heat tape.  These racks are very space efficient for a collector or breeder, however you give up much of the enjoyment of viewing your gecko(s)



  • Your gecko enclosure needs to have a warmer side surface temperature in the 88°-92°F range.  Creating a range of temperature for your gecko, allows the gecko to choose a temperature where they are most comfortable

  • To create a hot side for your enclosure, an under tank heating pad or heat tape should be used.  As for ambient temps, leopard geckos will acclimate easily to the temperature of the average home.  Geckos tolerate cooler temps better than overly warm temperatures.

  • To regulate surface temperature, a thermometer with a probe should be used with a thermostat to ensure the temperature is accurate (a basic light dimmer can be used in lieu of a thermostat, if necessary).  Avoid heat rocks and/or basking lamps. as these are not basking animals and can be very dangerous.  Many reptiles have received lethal burns using these types of heat sources!

  • Do not place your gecko enclosure directly in front of a window.



  • Providing a hide box or boxes will make your gecko(s) feel more secure, and should be provided to your gecko(s).  One hide with damp but not wet coconut fiber, located near the warmer side of your enclosure, will assist your gecko(s) when they shed.  One on the cool side gives them a choice while still making the gecko(s) feel secure.  If you have multiple geckos housed togrther, provide more hides to allow them to choose their hiding spot.



  • Paper towel is recommended by most breeders, as the easiest and healthiest for your leopard gecko.  A plain bare floor in the tank or tub, is also very popular and acceptable.  A more natural setting can be achieved by using clean natural materials such as larger rocks or driftwood.  NO CEDAR WOOD EVER!  Stone or ceramic tile can also be used.

  • DO NOT use sand or aquarium gravel!  Your gecko could ingest these types of material and become impacted, and cause your gecko to die!



  • It is not necessary for you to use lighting for your gecko, but can help you view your gecko.  A light with a low-watt bulb, can be placed on the screen top.  Never leave a light on without being present.  Monitor the ambient temperature on the hot side while the light is on to be sure it does not exceed 90°F-92°F.

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